Unlock your KCAI account
If you have become locked out of your account or cannot remember your password you can use the security questions you set up at ACCESS.KCAI.EDU by clicking the "Forgot Password" link under where you would normally put in your password to login.
Our accounts automatically unlock after 15 minutes so if you are locked out please wait the 15 minutes until you are unlocked before clicking the “forgot password” button or it will not work.
If you have not set up your security questions and 2nd form of contact information (secondary email or phone number) at ACCESS.KCAI.EDU then you will need to do that before you will be able to login to the wifi or use the site to change your password.
When logging in to ACCESS.KCAI.EDU you will use your full email for your username.
When logging in to MyKcai or the Wifi you will only use the part of your email that pertains to your name (Example: Rsmith@students.kcai.edu would use Rsmith)